English language arts

Unit 10 analyzing literary texts
Lesson 9 Analyzing literary text review -

Write a reflection about your learning in this unit. Your reflection should at least be three sentences. You can use the following sentence starters as a guide.

• in order to remember the definitions of different types of literary devices, one strategy I used was…

• ways to analyze how a poem’s structure contributes to its meaning include …

• it can be challenging to analyze the impact of repeated images in a literary text because …

In order to remember the definitions of different types of literary devices, one strategy I used was creating flashcards and testing myself regularly. This helped me retain the information and apply it effectively in my analysis of literary texts.

Ways to analyze how a poem's structure contributes to its meaning include examining the organization of stanzas, rhyme scheme, and line breaks. By breaking down the formal elements of a poem, I was able to better understand the poet's intended message and themes.

It can be challenging to analyze the impact of repeated images in a literary text because it requires careful attention to detail and critical thinking skills. Identifying patterns and motifs throughout a text can provide valuable insights into characters, themes, and symbolism, but it can also be easy to overlook subtle nuances without a thorough analysis.