Replace the placeholder text "INSERT INSIDE ADDRESS" with an AddressBlock merge

field using the Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. format. Match the Company field to the

Organization Name field so that the organization name appears in the inside address in word how to if word doesn't have address block how

To replace the placeholder text with an AddressBlock merge field in Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. format, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Insert tab in Word.
2. Click on Quick Parts in the Text group.
3. Select Field.
4. In the Field dialog box, choose AddressBlock from the Field names menu.
5. Click on AddressBlock Options.
6. In the Insert Address Block window, select Mr. for the Title format and Jr. for the Suffix format.
7. Make sure the Mailing Address and Company fields match with the correct merge fields from your data source (e.g., the Organization Name field).
8. Click OK to insert the AddressBlock merge field with the specified format.

If your version of Word does not have the AddressBlock feature, you can manually create the inside address by combining individual merge fields (e.g., Title, First Name, Last Name, Company) within the Word document. Just be sure to match the Company field with the relevant data source field to include the organization name in the inside address.