Replace the placeholder text "INSERT INSIDE ADDRESS" with an AddressBlock merge

field using the Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. format. Match the Company field to the

Organization Name field so that the organization name appears in the inside address in word how to

To insert an AddressBlock merge field in Word using the Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. format and matching the Company field to the Organization Name field, follow these steps:

1. Open your Word document.
2. Click where you want to insert the inside address.
3. Go to the "Mailings" tab in the top menu.
4. Click on "Insert Merge Field" and then select "AddressBlock."
5. In the AddressBlock dialog box, select the desired format from the "Address layout" dropdown menu (e.g., Mr. Joshua Randall Jr.).
6. Check the box next to "Match Fields" and make sure that the Company field is matched to the Organization Name field.
7. Click "OK" to insert the AddressBlock merge field with the specified format and matching fields.

The inside address in your Word document will now display the recipient's name in the Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. format and the organization name will be included based on the matched fields.