raccoon statues 7

The table shows the items Stevie bought from a garage sale and their prices. What is the mean price of the items Stevie bought? A. 36 B. 5 C. 21 D. 6

To find the mean price of the items Stevie bought, we need to add up the prices of all the items and then divide by the total number of items.

$4 + $6 + $12 + $3 + $1 + $30 + $5 = $61

Total cost = $61

Number of items = 7

Mean price = Total cost / Number of items
Mean price = $61 / 7 = $8.71 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Therefore, the mean price of the items Stevie bought is approximately $8.71. None of the options provided in the question match this value.