Talia noticed a sale at her favorite store. The points on the graph show how many items she bought of each. T-shirts were selling for $5 each, long sleeve shirts were $10 each, jeans were discounted to $15 each, and sweaters were on sale for $25 each. Name the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased. (1 point) Responses C C B B A A D

The point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased is point D.

Based on the given information, we know that Talia purchased T-shirts, long sleeve shirts, jeans, and sweaters. The points are labeled as C, B, A, and D. To identify the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans she purchased, we need to find the point labeled with "B" because the letter "B" corresponds to jeans.

Therefore, the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased is labeled "B."

To find the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased, we need to determine which point represents the number of jeans she bought.

However, the information provided (Responses C C B B A A D) does not explicitly indicate which response corresponds to the number of pairs of jeans. We need more information or a clearer representation of the data in order to find the correct point.