All over Europe there is growing concern about the rapid weathering of the statues and architecture over the past 50 years. Some roman statues have aged more over the last few years than in the previous 2000 years. If most statues are made of marble, do you think the process of weathering the statues is physical or chemical?

I believe it's physical, as this hints to this being towards erosion due to wind.

I would not discount the chemical aspects of the weathering. I am a chemist.

The process of weathering statues is primarily a combination of physical and chemical processes. While physical weathering refers to the breakdown of materials through mechanical forces, such as wind, temperature changes, and abrasion, chemical weathering involves the chemical alteration of the materials.

In the case of statues made of marble, both physical and chemical weathering play a role. Physical weathering can occur due to wind, rain, and temperature fluctuations, which can cause small cracks and fractures in the marble surface. Over time, these cracks can expand and lead to the deterioration of the statues.

Chemical weathering, on the other hand, involves the interaction of marble with various substances in the environment. Acid rain, for example, can chemically react with the calcium carbonate present in marble, causing it to dissolve or erode. Other substances, such as pollutants, atmospheric gases, and biological agents, can also contribute to chemical weathering by reacting with the marble surface and altering its composition.

To determine the extent to which physical or chemical weathering is affecting a specific statue or architectural structure, a detailed examination and analysis is usually required. This may involve studying the patterns of erosion, assessing the chemical composition of the surrounding environment, and investigating the potential sources of damage.

In summary, while wind erosion is a part of the physical weathering process, the rapid aging of statues and architecture in Europe is also influenced by chemical reactions with substances in the environment. Both physical and chemical weathering processes need to be considered to fully understand the deterioration of these structures.