Which of the following passages best explains the “other education” the author received from her parents?

Answer choices for the above question

A. “...we gathered hazelnuts, went partridge hunting. fished, had long deer-hunting weekends, went to powwows, went spearing and ice fishing, played canasta and whist, learned the daisy chain, beaded on looms, made fish house candles, sausage, and quilts.”

B. “With school being my double life. I went to Catholic grade school, where I earned a reputation for being quiet, obedient, pious, and bright.”

C. “...my academic life is later documented at universities in Minnesota, Indiana, and Wisconsin.”

D. “The men brought out drinks from the trunks of their cars, laughter and talk sprang up. . .”

A. “...we gathered hazelnuts, went partridge hunting. fished, had long deer-hunting weekends, went to powwows, went spearing and ice fishing, played canasta and whist, learned the daisy chain, beaded on looms, made fish house candles, sausage, and quilts.”