What are institutional factors and examples of these factors

Institutional factors refer to the policies, practices, and structures within institutions that can influence individual behavior, decisions, and outcomes. Examples of institutional factors include:

1. Legal and regulatory frameworks: Laws, regulations, and government policies that govern how institutions operate and the activities they can engage in.

2. Organizational culture: The shared values, norms, and beliefs within an institution that shape behavior and decision-making.

3. Leadership and governance: The structure of leadership within an institution, including the roles and responsibilities of leaders and the processes for decision-making.

4. Funding and resources: The financial support and resources available to institutions, which can impact their capacity to fulfill their mission and goals.

5. Institutional policies: The formal rules and guidelines within an institution that govern processes, procedures, and behavior.

6. Institutional history and traditions: The historical context and traditions within an institution that shape its identity and practices.

7. Stakeholder relationships: The relationships and interactions between an institution and its external stakeholders, such as clients, employees, partners, and the community.

8. Institutional structure: The organizational structure and hierarchy within an institution, including how roles and responsibilities are defined and distributed.