The Industrial Revolution created migration due to which factors?(1 point) Responses environmental factors environmental factors economic factors economic factors social factors social factors political factors

economic factors

The Industrial Revolution created migration due to economic factors, social factors, and political factors.

The Industrial Revolution led to migration due to various factors, including economic, social, and environmental factors.

Economic factors played a significant role in driving migration during the Industrial Revolution. The development of industrialization resulted in the growth of factory-based industries, leading to the creation of new job opportunities in urban areas. People from rural areas were attracted to these industrial cities in search of employment and better economic prospects.

Social factors also played a role in migration during this time. With the rise of industrialization, there were significant social and cultural changes in society. These changes included the growth of urban centers, the breakdown of traditional rural communities, and advancements in transportation. These social changes influenced people to relocate in search of new social opportunities or to escape the social disruptions occurring in their previous communities.

Environmental factors also contributed to migration during the Industrial Revolution. The rapid urbanization and industrialization led to the degradation of the environment in many areas. Factors such as air and water pollution, overcrowding, and poor sanitation conditions pushed people to migrate to less polluted areas or regions with better living conditions.

Political factors were also influential in migration, although to a lesser extent. The political landscape during the Industrial Revolution varied across countries, with different policies and regulations affecting migration patterns. There were instances where political unrest or conflicts influenced people to move to different regions or countries.

To understand these factors, you can also refer to historical sources such as books, articles, and documents that discuss the Industrial Revolution and its impact on migration. Additionally, examining primary sources like personal accounts, diaries, or government reports from the time period can provide insights into the experiences and motivations of migrants during that era.