Which of the following forms a theory explaining the Great Atlantic Migration? ( 1 point )

A.) political push factors in Europe due to governmental instability
B.) economic push factor in Europe resulting from crop failures
C.) environmental pull factors in the U.S. held a desirable climate
D.) economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth

B.) economic push factor in Europe resulting from crop failures

The theory that explains the Great Atlantic Migration includes a combination of factors.

A.) Political push factors in Europe due to governmental instability: This factor played a role in motivating some individuals to leave Europe during the Great Atlantic Migration. Political instability and conflicts, such as revolutions and wars, made living conditions challenging and led many to seek a better life elsewhere.

B.) Economic push factors in Europe resulting from crop failures: Crop failures, which caused food shortages and economic difficulties, were another contributing factor in the Great Atlantic Migration. These conditions forced many individuals to leave their homes in search of better economic opportunities.

C.) Environmental pull factors in the U.S. with a desirable climate: The United States offered a desirable climate that attracted immigrants during the Great Atlantic Migration. The promise of fertile land for agriculture and a more favorable climate created a pull factor for those seeking better living conditions.

D.) Economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth: Industrial growth in Europe during this time created opportunities for economic advancement. However, it also led to overcrowding and job competition, which motivated some individuals to migrate to countries like the United States, where they believed better economic prospects awaited them.

In summary, the theory explaining the Great Atlantic Migration includes a combination of political push factors (A), economic push factors (B), environmental pull factors (C), and economic pull factors (D).

To identify the answer, we need to examine each option and determine which one best explains the Great Atlantic Migration.

A) Political push factors in Europe due to governmental instability: This option suggests that the migration was driven by political factors causing instability in Europe that pushed people to seek refuge in the United States. While political factors may have played a role in the migration, it is not the primary theory explaining the Great Atlantic Migration.

B) Economic push factor in Europe resulting from crop failures: This option proposes that crop failures in Europe led to an economic push factor, encouraging people to migrate to the United States. Crop failures could have contributed to economic difficulties, prompting migration. However, this alone does not completely explain the Great Atlantic Migration.

C) Environmental pull factors in the U.S. held a desirable climate: This option suggests that the climate in the United States attracted migrants looking for better environmental conditions. While climate can be a factor, it is not the primary theory explaining the Great Atlantic Migration.

D) Economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth: This option proposes that industrial growth in Europe acted as an economic pull factor, enticing people to migrate to the United States. This theory suggests that economic opportunities were abundant in the U.S. due to its industrial growth, attracting migrants looking for better prospects. This aligns with the primary theory explaining the Great Atlantic Migration.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth.