Typically, a SWOT analysis is done to assess what factors, in addition to the opportunity and issue analysis? (1 point) Responses latent factors latent factors extenuating factors extenuating factors social media factors social media factors environmental factors

environmental factors

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning framework used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a business or project. It helps organizations identify internal and external factors that may impact their performance. In addition to conducting an opportunity and issue analysis, there are other factors that can be assessed during a SWOT analysis. Some of these factors include:

1. Latent factors: These are underlying or hidden factors that may not be immediately apparent but can significantly impact the organization's success. For example, latent factors could include changes in consumer preferences, emerging technologies, or shifting market trends.

To identify latent factors during a SWOT analysis, one can gather information from various sources such as market research reports, industry trends, or customer feedback. This information can be analyzed to determine potential hidden opportunities or risks.

2. Extenuating factors: These are specific circumstances or conditions that may have a significant impact on the organization's performance. They can include factors like economic conditions, political stability, regulatory changes, or natural disasters.

To assess extenuating factors, one can analyze relevant data, conduct research on the current market conditions, or consult industry experts. This information can help determine the potential risks or opportunities associated with these factors.

3. Social media factors: In today's digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with customers, gather feedback, and monitor market trends. Assessing social media factors during a SWOT analysis involves examining the organization's social media presence, engagement with customers, and monitoring sentiment or discussions related to the brand or industry.

To evaluate social media factors, one can analyze social media analytics, engagement and reach metrics, sentiment analysis tools, or conduct surveys or focus groups to gather customer feedback.

4. Environmental factors: These include factors related to the external environment in which the organization operates, such as ecological or sustainability considerations, climate change, resource availability, or environmental regulations.

To assess environmental factors, one can analyze relevant industry reports, conduct environmental impact assessments, monitor regulatory changes, or stay updated with industry best practices regarding sustainability.

Overall, by considering these additional factors along with the opportunity and issue analysis, an organization can gain a more comprehensive understanding of its current situation and make informed decisions about future strategies.

Typically, a SWOT analysis is done to assess a company or organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In addition to these factors, there are other analyses that can be conducted to further assess the situation. Some of these additional analyses include:

1. Latent factors: These are underlying or hidden factors that may have an impact on the organization but are not immediately obvious. They may include cultural, social, or psychological factors that influence the organization's success or failure.

2. Extenuating factors: These are external factors that may have an impact on the organization's current or future performance. They could include economic conditions, market trends, legal or regulatory changes, or technological advancements.

3. Social media factors: This analysis focuses on the impact of social media on the organization's strategies, branding, customer engagement, and reputation. It involves assessing the organization's social media presence, monitoring online conversations, and understanding how social media affects its target audience.

4. Environmental factors: This analysis considers the impact of environmental factors, such as climate change, natural disasters, or sustainability issues, on the organization's operations, supply chain, and reputation. It involves assessing risks and opportunities related to environmental factors and developing strategies to mitigate potential negative impacts.

It is important to note that the specific factors considered in a SWOT analysis can vary depending on the industry, organization, or specific situation being analyzed.