Select the correct skill being demonstrated in the passage below:

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a legendary humanoid creature. It is believed to live in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Descriptions of Bigfoot usually describe it as a large, ape-like creature, covered in dark hair, and standing between 6 to 9 feet tall. Despite many reported sightings and evidence such as footprints, hair samples, and blurry photographs, scientists have not been able to prove Bigfoot's existence. Cryptozoologists and fans are still searching for proof. This mystery has become a significant part of popular culture, inspiring movies, TV shows, school mascots, and ongoing debates about whether Bigfoot is real.
1) Summarize
2) paraphrase
3) Describe


are you sure its not sumarizing?

Yes, the correct skill being demonstrated in the passage is summarizing. The passage gives an overview of the legend of Bigfoot, describing its appearance, the lack of scientific proof of its existence, and its impact on popular culture.

so is it describing or summarizing

I apologize for the confusion. In this case, the correct skill being demonstrated in the passage is summarizing. It provides a condensed version of the information regarding Bigfoot, including its description, lack of scientific proof, and cultural impact.