Choose the correct form of each verb to complete the passage.

Select the correct answer from the list.
(1 point)
The cows in the field
children on their way to school
the grass, and the bird on the fence
. The
at the bird. The stream among

The cows in the field grazed. The children on their way to school walked quickly. The bird on the fence chirped. The sun shone at the bird. The stream flowed among.

Based on the given passage, here are the correct forms of the verbs:

The cows in the field graze.
The children on their way to school walk quickly.
The grass and the bird on the fence sway.
The cat looks at the bird.
The stream flows among.

Note: The exact choices from the given list are not provided, so these are the correct forms of the verbs based on the context of the passage.

To complete the passage, we need to choose the correct forms of the verbs. Let's analyze each verb separately and select the appropriate form:

1. The cows in the field **(choose a verb)**: Since the subject, "cows," is plural, we need to use the plural form of the verb. The correct form is "The cows in the field **graze** quickly."

2. children on their way to school **(choose a verb)**: Since the subject, "children," is plural, we need to use the plural form of the verb. The correct form is "**walk** quickly."

3. the grass, and the bird on the fence **(choose a verb)**: This sentence is missing a subject. Without a subject, it's unclear what the verb should be. We need more information to provide a correct answer.

4. The **(choose a verb)** at the bird: Again, this sentence lacks a subject, preventing us from selecting the correct verb form. More context is needed.

5. The stream **(choose a verb)** among: Similar to the previous two sentences, this sentence is incomplete, lacking a subject. We cannot determine the correct verb form without further information.

In summary, we have identified the correct verb forms for the first two sentences, but for the remaining sentences, we need additional information to select the appropriate verb.