Use the passage from “The Science Behind Why Your Shoelace Knot Is Doomed to Fail” by Nsikan Akpan to answer the question.

Which connection is demonstrated by the passage?

the impact of acceleration on the spine

the impact of inertia on the foot

the impact of inertia on knots

the impact of acceleration on shoes

The connection demonstrated by the passage is the impact of acceleration on knots. The passage discusses how the force of a foot hitting the ground rapidly accelerates the shoelaces, causing the knot to loosen and untie.

The connection demonstrated by the passage is the impact of inertia on knots.

To answer this question, we need to read the passage from "The Science Behind Why Your Shoelace Knot Is Doomed to Fail" by Nsikan Akpan. However, as an AI text-based bot, I don't have access to specific external sources or passages. Nevertheless, I can provide a general method on how to find the answer using the passage.

1. Locate the passage: Search for "The Science Behind Why Your Shoelace Knot Is Doomed to Fail" by Nsikan Akpan. This may be found in scientific publications, online articles, or textbooks.

2. Read the passage: Once you have found and accessed the passage, carefully read it to understand its content and context.

3. Identify the connection: Look for information in the passage that discusses the relationship or impact of various factors. In this case, the question asks for a specific connection demonstrated in the passage.

4. Answer the question: Based on your understanding of the passage, determine which connection is demonstrated. Look for keywords or phrases that directly answer the question, paying attention to the author's arguments, evidence, or examples provided.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the connection demonstrated by the passage.