A store sells packages of comic books with a poster and 7 comics cost 14.50. A poster and 14 comics cost 12.50. write a linear function rule that models the cost y of a package containing any number x of comic books

Suppose another store sells a similar package. modeled by a linear function rule with inial value $8.75. Use pencil and paper. Explain which store has better deal

The linear function rule is y =

2x + 0.50.

For store 1:
y = 2x + 0.50

For store 2:
y = 0.25x + 8.75

To determine which store has the better deal, we can compare the cost of different packages. Let's compare the cost of a package with 7 comics and a poster:

For store 1:
y = 2(7) + 0.50
y = 14.50

For store 2:
y = 0.25(7) + 8.75
y = 10.50

Since a package with 7 comics and a poster costs less at store 2 ($10.50), store 2 has the better deal.