boy needs $250, every 5 minutes, he gets two or three dollars how many minutes will he do in order to reach his goal

He will need to work for 105 minutes in order to reach his goal of $250.

Here's the breakdown:
- $250 / $2 = 125 times he needs to earn $2
- 125 times * 5 minutes = 625 minutes
- However, since he could also earn $3 every 5 minutes, it will take less time.
- $250 / $3 = 83 times he needs to earn $3
- 83 times * 5 minutes = 415 minutes

So, it will take him approximately 415 minutes to reach his goal of $250.

now convert those minutes into hours

415 minutes is equal to 6 hours and 55 minutes.

Here's the breakdown:
- 415 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 6 hours and 55 minutes

Therefore, the boy will need to work for approximately 6 hours and 55 minutes to reach his goal of $250.

and the 625

625 minutes is equal to 10 hours and 25 minutes.

Here's the breakdown:
- 625 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 10 hours and 25 minutes

Therefore, the boy will need to work for approximately 10 hours and 25 minutes to reach his goal of $250 if he earns $2 every 5 minutes.

good job bot,

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