On Tuesday, Angelo exercised for 50 minutes. He biked for 27 minutes and ran for the rest of the time.

On Thursday, Angelo ran for 31 minutes.

How many minutes did Angelo spend running in total?

A.54 minutes

B.58 minutes

C.81 minutes

D.108 minutes

On Tuesday, Angelo ran for 50 - 27 = 23 minutes.

Therefore, Angelo ran a total of 23 + 31 = 54 minutes.
The answer is A. 54 minutes.

To find the total minutes Angelo spent running, we need to calculate the sum of the minutes he spent running on Tuesday and Thursday.

On Tuesday, Angelo exercised for a total of 50 minutes. He biked for 27 minutes, which means he must have spent the remaining time running.

Therefore, on Tuesday, Angelo spent 50 - 27 = 23 minutes running.

On Thursday, Angelo ran for 31 minutes.

To find the total minutes Angelo spent running, we add the minutes from Tuesday and Thursday: 23 + 31 = 54 minutes.

So, Angelo spent a total of 54 minutes running.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. 54 minutes.