Buses on your route run every 11 minutes from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. You arrive at the bus stop at 9:15 am. How long will you wait for a bus?(1 point)


5 minutes
5 minutes

11 minutes
11 minutes

2 minutes
2 minutes

3 minutes

11 minutes

To determine how long you will wait for a bus, you need to calculate the difference between the time you arrive at the bus stop and the next scheduled bus.

First, subtract the start time (8:00 am) from the time you arrive (9:15 am) to find the elapsed time since the first bus left. This will give you 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Next, divide this elapsed time by the frequency of the buses, which is every 11 minutes. Since 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, and you have 1 hour and 15 minutes, this will give you a total of 75 minutes.

Finally, divide the total elapsed time (75 minutes) by the frequency (11 minutes) to determine how many full cycles of buses have passed. This calculation will give you approximately 6 full cycles.

Since the buses run every 11 minutes, and you have gone through 6 full cycles, you will have to wait for the next bus, which would be around 11 minutes.

So, the correct answer is 11 minutes.