It took Carla 36 minutes to run four miles. Convert this ratio into a unit rate by finding how long it took Carla to run one mile.(1 point)


9 minutes/mile
9 minutes/mile

1/9 minutes/mile
one-ninth minutes/mile

1/9 miles/minute
one-ninth miles/minute

9 miles/minute
9 miles/minute

The correct answer is: 9 minutes/mile

At a used book sale, Miss Chen bought a box of 20 assorted books for $40. What was the cost per book?(1 point)



2 books/$1.00
2 books/$1.00


0.5 books/$1.00

The correct answer is: $2.00/book

It took Liam 15 minutes to ride his bike three miles. Convert this ratio into a unit rate by finding how long many minutes did he take to travel one mile.(1 point)


5 minutes/mile
5 minutes/mile

5 miles/minute
5 miles/minute

1/5 minutes/mile
one-fifth minutes/mile

1/5 miles/minute

The correct answer is: 5 minutes/mile

To convert the ratio of 36 minutes for 4 miles into a unit rate, we need to find how long it took Carla to run one mile.

To do this, we need to divide the total time (36 minutes) by the total distance (4 miles).

36 minutes / 4 miles = 9 minutes/mile

Therefore, the correct unit rate is 9 minutes/mile.