Explain the following in simple terms

HISTORY: Weight loss, unintentional.

TECHNIQUE: PA and lateral.

COMPARISON: No chest radiograph available at the time of interpretation.

The patient has fibronodular changes in bilateral lung apex. No consolidation or pleural fluid. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable.

There are degenerative changes of the right shoulder and thoracic spine. There are surgical clips upper aspect of the abdomen.

Findings as above with no evidence of acute disease.

History: The patient is losing weight unintentionally.

Technique: X-rays were taken from the front and side of the body.

Comparison: No previous chest X-ray was available when the current X-ray was examined.

Findings: The patient has some changes in the top parts of both lungs, but no signs of infection or fluid in the lungs. The heart and mediastinal area look normal. There are signs of wear and tear in the right shoulder and spine, and surgical clips in the upper abdomen.

Impression: The findings do not show any signs of a new or serious illness.