area of a lateral face on cylinder with a radius of 7 and a height of 14 explain step by step in simple terms

measurment is square inches in simple terms

To find the area of a lateral face on a cylinder, we first need to know the formula. The formula for the lateral area of a cylinder is 2πrh, where r is the radius and h is the height.

Step 1: Identify the values you have. In this case, the radius is 7 inches and the height is 14 inches.

Step 2: Plug the values into the formula. A = 2π(7)(14)

Step 3: Simplify the equation. A = 2π(98)

Step 4: Multiply the values together. A = 196π

Step 5: Get the approximate value by multiplying 196 by π (which is approximately 3.14). A ≈ 615.44 square inches

So, the lateral face on the cylinder with a radius of 7 inches and a height of 14 inches has an area of approximately 615.44 square inches.