the industrial revolution created migration due to which factors?

political factors
economic factors
environmental factors
social factors

- Political factors: The industrial revolution in many countries led to political changes that affected migration patterns. War, colonization, and changes in government policies played significant roles in pushing people to migrate in search of better opportunities or to escape persecution.

- Economic factors: The industrial revolution transformed many economies from agrarian-based to industrial-based. This led to a shift in employment opportunities, with many people leaving rural areas to seek work in urban factories. The promise of better wages and living conditions pushed many to migrate in search of economic prosperity.

- Environmental factors: The industrial revolution also had significant impacts on the environment, leading to changes in agricultural practices and living conditions. Environmental degradation and natural disasters caused by industrial activities pushed many people to migrate in search of safer and healthier living conditions.

- Social factors: The industrial revolution brought about significant social changes, including changes in family structure, urbanization, and changes in social classes. These social changes often drove people to migrate in search of better social opportunities or to escape social injustices and inequalities.