All topics will require:

Use of materials from this course as a starting point.

Use of outside (reputable) sources to aid your writing.

Minimum of five sources in your MLA formatted Works Cited Page

MLA format In-Text Citations in your paper from each source.

Topic Choices:

How does the idea of the monster / supernatural evolve throughout the time periods and works we’ve studied this year?

How did a literary work that we read in Semester A or B inspire a modern author? Example: How did “Beowulf” influence J. R. R. Tolkien?

How have the authors we have studied so far this year explored the idea of corruption?

Look at one of the literary periods we’ve studied from Anglo-Saxon to Romantic Period. From a historical perspective, give examples of how the societal values of the time are present / featured in the works we’ve read from the time period.

How do the authors we have studied represent their personal values through their work? How are they reflected in their own writing?

The topic I have selected to explore is "How does the idea of the monster/supernatural evolve throughout the time periods and works we’ve studied this year?" Throughout the various time periods and works we have studied, the concept of the monster or supernatural has taken on different meanings and significance. In order to delve into this topic, I will be analyzing and comparing works from different time periods, including texts such as "Beowulf," "Macbeth," and "Frankenstein."

To begin, it is important to understand the historical context of each work and how societal beliefs and values influenced the portrayal of monsters and the supernatural in literature. In Anglo-Saxon literature, such as "Beowulf," monsters were often seen as embodiments of evil and chaos that needed to be defeated by heroic figures like Beowulf. The supernatural in this time period was often associated with pagan beliefs and superstition.

Moving on to the Renaissance period, works like "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare explored the theme of the supernatural in a different light. In this play, the witches and supernatural elements are used to reflect the characters' inner turmoil and moral corruption. The idea of the supernatural here is more complex and symbolic, highlighting the psychological and emotional struggles of the characters.

In the Romantic period, a work like "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley presents a different perspective on the concept of the monster. In this novel, the monster is not just a physical threat, but also a reflection of humanity's capacity for cruelty and rejection. The supernatural elements in "Frankenstein" also serve to explore themes of creation, responsibility, and the consequences of playing god.

Through analyzing these works and examining the evolution of the idea of the monster/supernatural, we can see how different time periods shaped the portrayal of these themes in literature. By incorporating outside sources and scholarly research, such as articles on the evolution of the monster in literature or historical analyses of the supernatural in different time periods, we can gain a deeper understanding of how these concepts have evolved over time. Additionally, using MLA format In-Text Citations and a Works Cited page with a minimum of five reputable sources will ensure that my analysis is backed up by sound research and evidence.