Today you will review all the topics that you’ve learned in this unit. Read through the list of topics from this unit. Make sure that you feel confident about each of them before taking the unit test. If there are any topics that you forget or think you need to practice, go back and review those lessons now. introducing and developing claims in an argument acknowledging an alternate or opposing claim organizing reasons and evidence in a logical way identifying and using evidence from credible sources determining the relationships among claims, reasons, and evidence using transitions to create clear connections among ideas writing a conclusion that supports the argument and maintains a formal style Reflect Write a reflection about your learning in this unit. Your reflection should be at least three sentences in length. You can use the following sentence starters as a guide. I feel confident about my ability to introduce and develop a claim because… It can be challenging to acknowledge an opposing claim because… One strategy for organizing my reasons and evidence logically is… In order to figure out whether a source that I’ve found is credible, I can… One way to remember to check for cohesion in my argument is to… If I am not sure that my conclusion maintains a formal style, I can… Study Tips Are there any topics that you need to go back and review? Use the following tips while studying: Review your results on previous assessments in this unit and analyze any items that you missed. Why did you have trouble with them? Revisit an argument that you wrote earlier. Use a pen or highlighter to identify the claim, opposing claim, reasons, and evidence. Record yourself as you read aloud the lesson instructions for any skills with which you are having trouble. Listen to the recording and take notes. Create a glossary of the keywords from the unit. Review it daily. Look online for argument writing prompts. Time yourself as you practice writing a response. Notice which part of the process took the most time.


Today we're going to go over everything we learned in this unit. Before taking the test, make sure you feel confident about each topic. If there's anything you forget or need more practice on, go back and review those lessons now. When it comes to introducing and developing claims in an argument, I feel pretty confident because I understand the steps and how to provide evidence. It can be tough to acknowledge an opposing claim because it's hard to admit when someone else might have a valid point. One strategy I use to organize my reasons and evidence in a logical way is to create an outline before writing my argument. To determine if a source is credible, I can check if it's from a reputable website or if the author has expertise in the topic. I remind myself to check for cohesion in my argument by reading it out loud and making sure my ideas flow smoothly. If I'm not sure if my conclusion maintains a formal style, I can reread it and make sure it supports my argument without being too casual. Take a moment to think about which topics you need to review. Look at your past assessments and figure out why you struggled with certain questions. Go back to an argument you wrote earlier and try to identify the main parts. Maybe record yourself reading the lesson instructions for topics you're struggling with and listen to it later. It might help to create a list of important words from this unit and review them every day. Also, search online for argument writing prompts and practice timing yourself as you write responses. See which part of the process takes the most time for you. Good luck studying!