Name of the children's story or fairy tale upon which your tr will be based. Who are the major characters? What was the incident that will go to trial? (4 points)

Title: "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"

Major Characters:
1. Goldilocks - a young mischievous girl who wanders into the home of the three bears.
2. Papa Bear - the father bear who is protective of his family.
3. Mama Bear - the mother bear who is nurturing and caring.
4. Baby Bear - the youngest bear who is playful and innocent.

Goldilocks enters the home of the three bears without permission and proceeds to eat their porridge, break Baby Bear's chair, and sleep in their beds. The bears return home to find their belongings disturbed and confront Goldilocks about her actions. Goldilocks claims that she was just looking for a place to rest, but the bears believe she trespassed and damaged their property. The incident leads to a trial to determine whether Goldilocks should be held accountable for her actions.