What was the drawback to living in the Roman empire?

Some of the drawbacks to living in the Roman Empire included:

1. High taxes: The Roman Empire relied heavily on taxation to fund its vast military and infrastructure projects, leading to high taxes for the citizens.

2. Slavery: Slavery was a common practice in the Roman Empire, with millions of people being enslaved and forced to work in mines, farms, and households.

3. Constant warfare: The Roman Empire was constantly engaged in military campaigns to expand its borders, leading to a state of almost constant warfare which could be dangerous and destabilizing for its citizens.

4. Political instability: The Roman Empire experienced frequent changes in leadership, often through assassination or civil war, which could lead to political instability and uncertainty for its citizens.

5. Economic inequality: There was a large gap between the wealthy elite and the majority of the population, leading to economic inequality and social unrest.

6. Lack of personal freedoms: Citizens in the Roman Empire had limited personal freedoms and rights, and those who were not citizens had even fewer rights and protections.