What was a drawback to living in the Roman Empire?

A. As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.
B. Roman law treated Romans of color unequally.
C. If you were born to a low status family, you had no chance of becoming powerful.
D. Compared to living in other ancient civilizations, there were no serious drawbacks.

A. As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.

way shorter

A. As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.

What was a drawback to living in the Roman Empire?

As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.

Roman law treated Romans of color unequally.

If you were born to a low status family, you had no chance of becoming powerful.

Compared to living in other ancient civilizations, there were no serious drawbacks

The Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of

as leader of Rome and ended around 180 CE with the death of Emperor

The Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of Octavian as leader of Rome and ended around 180 CE with the death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

What was true about slavery in the Roman Empire?

Under Pax Romana, emperors passed laws helping enslaved people.

Romans enslaved people based on skin color.

On average, enslaved Romans died young.

Enslaved Romans could not become wealthy.

C. On average, enslaved Romans died young.

How did Jesus’s teachings reach so many people in the early Roman empire?

through forced conversions on the orders of the emperor

through the decision of a council of bishops

through local laws dictated by the Pope

through the support of important Roman generals

through the travels of his followers on Roman roads

E. through the travels of his followers on Roman roads.