11. What was a drawback to living in the Roman Empire?

*1 point
As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.
Roman law treated Romans of color unequally.
If you were born to a low status family, you had no chance of becoming powerful.
Compared to living in other ancient civilizations, there were no serious drawbacks.

As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.

The drawback to living in the Roman Empire was that as many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.

To determine the drawback to living in the Roman Empire, we can evaluate each answer choice provided:

1. "As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved."
To confirm the accuracy of this statement, we can consult historical sources, such as primary documents or reputable research, focused on slavery in the Roman Empire. These sources can shed light on the prevalence and impact of slavery on individuals within the empire.

2. "Roman law treated Romans of color unequally."
To assess the accuracy of this answer choice, we can examine historical records and legal texts to determine whether there was unequal treatment based on race or color in Roman law. This may involve researching specific laws, legal cases, or scholarly interpretations of legal practices during that time.

3. "If you were born to a low-status family, you had no chance of becoming powerful."
Verifying this statement requires examining the social structure of the Roman Empire and exploring available historical evidence, such as biographies, accounts of social mobility, or studies on social classes in ancient societies. By analyzing these sources, we can determine to what extent social status influenced one's chances of attaining power or higher status.

4. "Compared to living in other ancient civilizations, there were no serious drawbacks."
To evaluate this claim, we can study a comparative analysis of living conditions in various ancient civilizations, including but not limited to the Roman Empire. This may involve examining factors such as living standards, societal structures, freedoms, and opportunities available to individuals in different civilizations.

Remember to critically assess the evidence and analyze multiple sources to arrive at a well-informed conclusion.