Is Queretaro or California more safer?

It is difficult to compare the overall safety of Queretaro and California as they are both large regions with varying levels of safety. However, in general, California is considered to be safer than Queretaro in terms of crime rates and security. California has lower rates of violent crime and property crime compared to Queretaro. However, it is important to note that safety can vary greatly within different cities and neighborhoods in both regions. It is always recommended to research specific areas and take necessary precautions to ensure personal safety.

what is more safer? tequisquiapan,queretaro or san bernardino,california ??

Tequisquiapan, Queretaro is generally considered to be safer than San Bernardino, California. Tequisquiapan is a small town known for its peaceful atmosphere, low crime rates, and high quality of life. On the other hand, San Bernardino, California has higher crime rates, particularly in areas with higher population density. It is important to note that safety can fluctuate within different neighborhoods within each location, so it is advisable to research and take necessary precautions regardless of the location.