what is more safer califonria or queretaro?

It is difficult to say definitively which of the two locations, California or Queretaro, is safer as safety can vary depending on various factors such as the specific area within each location, time of day, and individual circumstances.

California is a vast state with a wide range of cities and neighborhoods, some of which may have higher crime rates than others. Overall, California is known for its strict gun laws and strong law enforcement presence, which can contribute to lower crime rates in many areas. However, there are also cities in California with higher rates of crime, such as Los Angeles and Oakland.

Queretaro, on the other hand, is a state in Mexico known for its lower crime rates compared to other parts of the country. The city of Queretaro, in particular, has a reputation for being safe and peaceful, with low rates of violent crime.

Ultimately, both California and Queretaro can be safe places to live or visit, but it is important to be aware of your surroundings, take precautions, and research specific neighborhoods or areas before making a decision. It is also recommended to stay informed about current safety conditions in each location.