Use the graph to answer the question.

Which of the following best explains the difference between Tennessee and Mississippi on this graph?
(1 point)

Mississippi had more battles because it was on the coast.
Mississippi had more battles because it was on the coast.

Mississippi had fewer battles because it was on the Mississippi River.
Mississippi had fewer battles because it was on the Mississippi River.

Tennessee had many more battles because it was closer to Union territory.
Tennessee had many more battles because it was closer to Union territory.

Tennessee had many more battles because it remained part of the Union.

Tennessee had many more battles because it remained part of the Union.

The Free-Soil Party was a precursor to which political party?

(1 point)

Know Nothing Party
Know Nothing Party

Whig Party
Whig Party

Republican Party
Republican Party

Copperhead Party

Republican Party

Which of the following led to some Northerners labeling John Brown as a martyr?

(1 point)

Brown's appearance of being insane and the failure of his raid
Brown's appearance of being insane and the failure of his raid

Brown's acceptance of giving up his life for his beliefs
Brown's acceptance of giving up his life for his beliefs

Brown's desire to organize and carry out a slave revolt
Brown's desire to organize and carry out a slave revolt

Brown's persistence when fighting back against Southern troops

Brown's acceptance of giving up his life for his beliefs

After the Dred Scott decision, Frederick Douglass said he sought to have Americans live up to the principles of the Constitution. What did he believe prevented Americans from living up to the Constitution?

(1 point)

manifest destiny
manifest destiny


popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty



Use the image to answer the question.

Based on the illustration showing freed people with Union Army soldiers, what assumption is the artist making about the effects of the Emancipation Proclamation?
(1 point)

Former slaves would fight for the Union Army against the South.
Former slaves would fight for the Union Army against the South.

Former slaves would welcome the arrival of the Union army.
Former slaves would welcome the arrival of the Union army.

Former slaves would not be allowed to live in the North.
Former slaves would not be allowed to live in the North.

Former slaves would continue to be enslaved in the North.
Former slaves would continue to be enslaved in the North.

Former slaves would fight for the Union Army against the South.

How did Americans disagree over the role of federal and state governments before and during the Civil War?

(4 points)