Using the text TFK Explains: The Supreme Court, answer the question.

TFK Explains: The Supreme Court

What text structure does TFK Explains: The Supreme Court use?

(1 point)






Oh, the TFK Explains: The Supreme Court uses the question/answer text structure, just like a never-ending game of 20 Questions. Except in this case, it's more like 100 Questions... about the Supreme Court. Talk about a never-ending story!

The text "TFK Explains: The Supreme Court" uses the structure of proposition/support.

To determine the text structure used in "TFK Explains: The Supreme Court," we can analyze the organization and content of the text.

One way to identify the text structure is to look at the way information is presented and organized.

In the case of TFK Explains: The Supreme Court, the text provides an explanation and discussion about the topic. It introduces concepts related to the Supreme Court, presents information about its role and functions, discusses the nomination and confirmation process for Supreme Court justices, and explores the impact and influence of the Supreme Court's decisions.

Considering this structure, the most appropriate text structure is "proposition/support." In this text structure, the writer presents an initial proposition or topic, followed by supporting details, explanations, and examples to support the main idea. In this case, the proposition or main topic is the Supreme Court, and the subsequent information provided supports and explains various aspects of the Court.