write a script about comedy

Title: "Laugh Out Loud"


[AUDIENCE members are seated and eagerly waiting for the COMEDIAN to take the stage. The atmosphere is charged with excitement and anticipation.]

(On stage)
Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for our next performer - the hilarious and charming, Steve!

[AUDIENCE erupts into applause as STEVE takes the stage.]

Thank you, thank you! It's great to be here tonight. How's everyone doing?

[AUDIENCE responds with cheers and laughter.]

So, I recently joined a gym because I wanted to get in shape. You know, become a "new me." Well, let me tell you - it's been four months and all I've managed to do is become best friends with the vending machine.

[AUDIENCE bursts into laughter.]

But hey, on the bright side, at least I'm getting a good workout every time I try to get my bag of chips stuck in the vending machine!

[AUDIENCE continues to laugh.]

You know, I also tried going on a diet once. It lasted all of two hours before I caved and ordered a pizza. Because nothing says "I'm committed to my health" like a large pepperoni with extra cheese, right?

[AUDIENCE is in stitches, laughing uncontrollably.]

And let's not forget about online dating. Anyone here tried that? I did, and let's just say, I've never felt more popular in my life. Apparently, I'm a match for every woman who loves long walks on the beach and never responding to my messages.

[AUDIENCE roars with laughter.]

But hey, it's all good. I've learned to embrace the single life. Who needs a partner when you have Netflix and a fridge full of leftovers, am I right?

[AUDIENCE applauds and cheers.]

Well, folks, that's my time. Thank you for being such a wonderful audience. And remember, laughter is the best medicine - especially when you're laughing at my expense!

[AUDIENCE stands and gives STEVE a standing ovation as he exits the stage.]