which od the following is not a long term effect of the devolpment of a contitutional monarchy in england

The following is not a long-term effect of the development of a constitutional monarchy in England:

1. Stability: The development of a constitutional monarchy in England brought about a stable form of government where the powers of the monarch were limited by a constitution. This stability allowed for smoother transitions of power and reduced the likelihood of political upheaval.

2. Protection of individual rights: The establishment of a constitutional monarchy in England led to the recognition and protection of individual rights through various legal instruments such as the Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, and Habeas Corpus Act.

3. Balance of power: The development of a constitutional monarchy in England introduced a system of checks and balances, ensuring that power was not concentrated solely in the hands of the monarch. This allowed for the involvement of other institutions, such as Parliament, in decision-making processes.

4. Evolution of democracy: The establishment of a constitutional monarchy in England was a significant step in the development of democracy. It paved the way for Parliament to gradually gain more power, resulting in the transition towards a constitutional democracy.

None of the options mentioned above are not long-term effects of the development of a constitutional monarchy in England.