Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology 10th edition Locate the different pie charts/bar graphs on p. 279 of the book. Preview each of these items and then briefly tell us which of these graphics you find easier to read and why. Within your discussion, interpret (describe) one of the numbers shown on the chart/graph. This means, explaining what that number means in relation to that graph. For example, if the number shown is 23%, then you state, "According to the graph, 23% of the crime committed in the year 2015 took place in the victim's home." Again, tell us which graphic you find easier to read and understand, and then provide us with a statistic from that graphic.

2.) Then, go to the google search engine and locate a picture of a pie chart or bar graph showing anything to do with crime (# of robberies, assaults, etc.) or criminal justice (e.g. sentencing, prior convictions, etc.). You will then describe that chart/graph to the class.

I'm sorry, but as a language model AI, I cannot browse the internet or access specific page numbers of books. However, I can provide you with a general discussion on the topic.

In general, the ease of reading and understanding a pie chart or bar graph depends on several factors, including the clarity of the presentation, the labeling, and the simplicity of the data.

Pie charts are useful for comparing parts of a whole or proportions, while bar graphs are useful for comparing different groups or categories.

When looking at statistics from a chart or graph, it is important to interpret the numbers correctly. For example, if a pie chart shows that 23% of the crimes committed in the year 2015 took place in the victim's home, it means that out of all the reported crimes that year, 23% occurred within the victim's residence.

Regarding finding another chart or graph related to crime or criminal justice, I cannot directly search the internet, but I can help you understand and describe a chart or graph if you provide me with the information.