Which strategy would be used to show how two texts written by different authors about the same topic are the same and different?(1 point)


a bar graph
a bar graph

a pie chart
a pie chart

a timeline
a timeline

a Venn diagram

a Venn diagram

The strategy that would be used to show how two texts written by different authors about the same topic are the same and different is a Venn diagram.

The strategy that would be used to show how two texts written by different authors about the same topic are the same and different is a Venn diagram.

A Venn diagram is a visual representation that uses overlapping circles to illustrate the similarities and differences between two or more sets or groups. In this case, each text would be represented by a circle, and the overlapping region between the circles would show the similarities, while the non-overlapping regions would show the differences.

To create a Venn diagram, you would start by drawing two circles that overlap in the center. Each circle represents one of the texts, and the overlapping region represents the shared information between the two texts. Then, you would list the similarities in the overlapping region and the unique characteristics or differences outside of the overlapping region.

By using a Venn diagram, you can easily compare the two texts and identify both the shared content and the unique aspects of each text.