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1.Why would two different authors who are writing about the same topic represent it in two different ways?.

Because one authors point of view is subjective and the other's is objective.

Because the two authors have to avoid plagiarism.

Because all authors have different purpose and style.***

2.what questions can you ask to help you analyze and compare different texts? Select TWO answers.

How many sentences are use?

What is the author's name?

Does the author use direct quotations?****

How long will it take to read the text?

How is the text organized?****

3. What can you use to show similarities and differences between what two authors have written on the same topic?

A time line
A venn diagram *****
A bar graph
A pie chart

4. What strategy would you use to recognize the differences between how two authors present the same information?

Creating an outline of texts.

Waiting a while between reading the text.

Reading a summary of the texts.

Comparing and contrasting the text***

1. The major details about the subject

2. subjective
3. a Venn diagram
4. The article would focus on facts whereas the first-hand account would focus on personal experiences

(@You can thank me later Trust me ...) is correct

Q. Why would two different authors who are writing about the same topic present it in two different ways? A. because all authors have a different purpose and style. Q .What questions can you ask to help you analyze and compare different texts? Select two answers. A. Does the author use direct quotations?&How is the text organized? Q. What can you use to show the similarities and differences between what two authors have written on the same topic? A. a Venn diagram Q. What strategy would you use to recognize the differences between how two authors present the same information? A. comparing and contrasting the texts


You can thank me later Trust me ... IS CORRECT I GOT 100%

anonymous is wrong I got a zero

ok umm for connexus i will do the test and ill see ok.....

@You can thank me later trust me … is correct

Brookie is right got 100.

thanks ppl-

i got a zero i need the answer:(plz)