Eric has $27.00 and wants to buy comic books. If each comic book costs $4.00, create a table and graph the arithmetic sequence to display how much money Eric has left after each comic book purchase. Which graph is an accurate representation of the problem?(1 point)

To create a table to display how much money Eric has left after each comic book purchase, we can subtract $4.00 from $27.00 repeatedly until the amount of money left is zero or less.


| Comic Book Purchase | Amount of Money Left |


| 0 | $27.00 |

| 1 | $23.00 |

| 2 | $19.00 |

| 3 | $15.00 |

| 4 | $11.00 |

| 5 | $7.00 |

| 6 | $3.00 |

| 7 | $0.00 |


To represent this arithmetic sequence on a graph, we can plot the number of comic book purchases on the x-axis and the amount of money left on the y-axis.

The points on the graph are:
(0, $27.00), (1, $23.00), (2, $19.00), (3, $15.00), (4, $11.00), (5, $7.00), (6, $3.00), (7, $0.00)

The accurate graph representation of the problem is a decreasing linear graph that starts at $27.00 and ends at $0.00.

| /
| //|
| // ||
| // ||
|/ ||
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

*[Note: The graph is not exactly to scale since the y-axis increments are not shown]*