Jose has a comic book collection that he keeps among 5 shelves with an equal number on each shelf. His father adds 20 comic books to the bottom shelf, so the shelf now has 125 books. How many total books are in his collection? Use algebra to solve the equation.(1 point) $$

Let's say each shelf has x comic books.

If there are x comic books on each shelf, there are 5 * x = 5x books in the collection.
When his father adds 20 comic books to the bottom shelf, the shelf with x comic books becomes x + 20, and the total number of comic books becomes 5x + 20 = 125.
Subtracting 20 from both sides, we get 5x = 105.
Dividing both sides by 5, we get x = 21.
Since each shelf has 21 comic books, the total number of comic books in the collection is 5 * 21 = <<5*21=105>>105. Answer: \boxed{105}.

Let's set up the equation to solve this problem step-by-step.

Let's assume the number of books on each shelf is represented by the variable 'x'.

According to the problem, Jose has 5 shelves with an equal number of books on each shelf. So, the total number of books on the shelves before his father adds 20 comic books would be 5x.

After his father adds 20 comic books to the bottom shelf, the total number of books on the bottom shelf would be x + 20.

Since the total number of books after adding the 20 comic books is given as 125, we can set up the equation:

5x + (x + 20) = 125

Now let's solve the equation step-by-step:

Combine like terms on the left side of the equation:

6x + 20 = 125

Subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:

6x = 125 - 20

6x = 105

Divide both sides of the equation by 6:

x = 105 / 6

x = 17.5

Since the question asks for the number of total books in Jose's collection, we multiply the number of books on each shelf by the number of shelves:

Total number of books = x * 5

Total number of books = 17.5 * 5

Total number of books = 87.5

Therefore, Jose has a total collection of 87.5 comic books.

Let's use algebra to solve this problem.

Let's assume that the number of comic books on each shelf before his father added 20 books was x.

So, the total number of comic books on the bottom shelf after adding 20 books will be x + 20.

According to the problem, the bottom shelf now has 125 books. So, we can write the equation:

x + 20 = 125

To find the total number of books in the collection, we need to calculate the sum of all the comic books on each shelf.

Since there are 5 shelves with an equal number of books on each shelf, we can multiply the number of books on one shelf (x) by the number of shelves (5) to get the total number of books in his collection.

Total number of books in collection = 5x

To find the value of x, we can solve the equation x + 20 = 125:

x = 125 - 20
x = 105

Now, we can substitute the value of x back into the equation for the total number of books in the collection:

Total number of books in collection = 5x
Total number of books in collection = 5 * 105
Total number of books in collection = 525

Therefore, the total number of books in Jose's collection is 525.