Can u tell me how to make eggs over east pls? I have eggs I want to know how to flip it

Sure! Here's a basic recipe for making eggs over easy:

- 2 eggs
- Cooking oil or butter
- Salt and pepper (optional, for seasoning)

1. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add a small amount of cooking oil or butter to lightly coat the pan.
2. Crack both eggs into separate small bowls or ramekins. This will make it easier to transfer them into the pan without breaking the yolks.
3. Once the pan is hot, gently slide the eggs from the bowls into the pan, ensuring that you keep the yolks intact. Be careful not to drop any shell fragments into the pan.
4. Allow the eggs to cook for a couple of minutes, until the whites are mostly set and the edges start to turn golden brown.
5. To flip the eggs, use a spatula to carefully loosen the eggs from the pan, then quickly and confidently flick your wrist upwards while holding the pan handle. This will flip the eggs over.
6. Cook the flipped eggs for about 30 seconds to a minute, depending on how runny you like your yolks. This will result in eggs over easy with a runny yolk. If you prefer a firmer yolk, you can cook them longer.
7. Once the eggs are cooked to your desired level, use a spatula to gently transfer them to a plate.
8. Season the eggs with salt and pepper, if desired.
9. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Remember, flipping eggs can be a bit tricky at first, so don't be discouraged if it takes a couple of tries to master it. Practice makes perfect!