Please very urgent.. I'm begging.

A market woman buys an eggs at the rate of 10 eggs for N60. 8 of the eggs were broken, so she sold the remaining at the rate of 4eggs for N24 and makes profit of 12 . How many eggs did she buy

sorry- repeating the post doesn't make it any more important to anyone else.

and it still has the same error. If it's that important, get it right!

To find out how many eggs the market woman bought, we'll work through the problem step-by-step:

Step 1: Calculate the cost per egg that the market woman initially bought the eggs for.
The rate was 10 eggs for N60, so the cost per egg would be N60 divided by 10:
N60 / 10 = N6 per egg.

Step 2: Determine the total cost of the eggs she bought.
Since the cost per egg is N6, we can multiply it by the number of eggs to find the total cost:
Total cost = N6 x Number of eggs.

Step 3: Calculate the revenue from selling the remaining eggs.
The market woman sold the remaining eggs at a rate of 4 eggs for N24. This means the selling price per egg is N24 divided by 4:
N24 / 4 = N6 per egg.

Step 4: Determine the number of remaining eggs she sold.
The market woman sold the remaining eggs, so the number of remaining eggs is equal to the total number of eggs she originally bought minus the 8 broken eggs.

Step 5: Calculate the total revenue from selling the remaining eggs.
The revenue from selling the remaining eggs can be calculated by multiplying the selling price per egg by the number of remaining eggs.

Step 6: Calculate the profit.
Profit = Total revenue - Total cost.

By following these steps, we can find out how many eggs the market woman bought.

To find out how many eggs the market woman bought, we can break down the problem and use algebra.

Let's represent the number of eggs she bought as "x".

We know that she bought 10 eggs for N60, so the cost per egg is N60/10 = N6 per egg.

Since 8 eggs were broken, she had (x - 8) eggs remaining to sell.

She sold the remaining eggs at the rate of 4 eggs for N24, so the selling price per egg is N24/4 = N6 per egg.

We also know that she made a profit of N12.

To calculate the cost of buying the eggs, we can multiply the cost per egg (N6) by the number of eggs bought (x):

Cost of buying = N6 * x

To calculate the revenue from selling the eggs, we can multiply the selling price per egg (N6) by the number of eggs sold ((x - 8)):

Revenue from selling = N6 * (x - 8)

The profit can be calculated by subtracting the cost of buying from the revenue from selling:

Profit = Revenue from selling - Cost of buying

Since we know the profit is N12, we can set up the equation:

N12 = (N6 * (x - 8)) - (N6 * x)

Now, let's solve the equation:

N12 = N6x - N48 - N6x
N12 = -N48

This equation has no solution because we end up with -N36 = N0.

Therefore, there is no way the market woman could have bought the eggs as described, as it would result in a contradiction.