Where is point B after a translation of 5 unit right, then 4 units up, followed by a rotation of 180° around the origin

To find the position of point B after a translation of 5 units to the right and 4 units up, we can start by considering the original location of point B.

Let's assume the original coordinates of point B were (x, y). After a translation of 5 units to the right, the x-coordinate of point B will be x + 5. After a translation of 4 units up, the y-coordinate of point B will be y + 4.

Therefore, the new coordinates of point B after the translation are (x + 5, y + 4).

Now, to find the position of point B after a rotation of 180° around the origin, we need to negate both coordinates. So the new coordinates become (-x - 5, -y - 4).

Therefore, point B after a translation of 5 units to the right, then 4 units up, followed by a rotation of 180° around the origin is located at (-x - 5, -y - 4).