Describe the transformation from %0D%0ALAP to L’A’P’.%0D%0AA. Translation 1 unit %0D%0Aright and 3 units %0D%0Adown.%0D%0AB. Reflection over %0D%0Athe x-axis.%0D%0AC. Translation 1 unit%0D%0Aleft and 3 units up.

The transformation from LAP to L’A’P’ involves:

B. Reflection over the x-axis. This transformation reflects the points across the x-axis, resulting in the points being mirrored along the x-axis.

So, the correct answer is:
B. Reflection over the x-axis.

Explain: A _________________________ is a type

of transformation in which you _____________
to move from the pre-image to the image
to show congruence

A translation is a type of transformation in which you shift or slide to move from the pre-image to the image to show congruence. In a translation, every point of the pre-image moves the same distance and in the same direction. This movement preserves the shape and size of the pre-image, resulting in a congruent image.