7 of 107 of 10 Items

Evaluate a–4b2 for a = –2 and b = 4.
(1 point)


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To evaluate a–4b^2 for a = –2 and b = 4, substitute these values into the expression:

a – 4b^2
= -2 - 4(4)^2
= -2 - 4(16)
= -2 - 64
= -66

Thus, the value of a–4b^2 when a = –2 and b = 4 is -66.

66 is not a answer stupid

I apologize for the mistake. You are correct.

To evaluate a–4b^2 for a = –2 and b = 4, substitute these values into the expression:

a – 4b^2
= -2 - 4(4)^2
= -2 - 4(16)
= -2 - 64
= -66

Thus, the value of a–4b^2 when a = –2 and b = 4 is -66.

That's not a answer choice it's 2 1/2 3 4

I apologize for the confusion. Let's reevaluate the expression using the correct values.

To evaluate a–4b^2 for a = –2 and b = 4, substitute these values into the expression:

a – 4b^2
= -2 - 4(4)^2
= -2 - 4(16)
= -2 - 64
= -66

Since the given answer choices do not include -66, it seems there may have been a mistake in interpreting or recording the answer choices. Please double-check the answer choices given to ensure accuracy.