Conservation Quick Check

3 of 43 of 4 Items
Use the scenario to answer the question.

Someone purchases a disposable water bottle, uses it several times, then throws it in the garbage.

How would you evaluate these actions in terms of conservation?

(1 point)

It is better than reusing it only once, but they should not be drinking so much water.
It is better than reusing it only once, but they should not be drinking so much water.

It is better than using the bottle only once, but they should recycle the bottle.
It is better than using the bottle only once, but they should recycle the bottle.

It is better than using a glass to drink water from the tap, but they should not be drinking so much water.
It is better than using a glass to drink water from the tap, but they should not be drinking so much water.

It is better than using a glass to drink water from the tap, but they should recycle the bottle.

The correct response would be: "It is better than using the bottle only once, but they should recycle the bottle."

It is better than using a glass to drink water from the tap, but they should recycle the bottle.

To evaluate the actions in terms of conservation, we need to consider the principles of reducing waste and promoting reuse and recycling.

The person in the scenario purchased a disposable water bottle and used it several times before throwing it in the garbage.

The correct evaluation would be: "It is better than using the bottle only once, but they should recycle the bottle."

Explanation: The person reusing the disposable water bottle multiple times is better than using it only once and then disposing of it. By reusing the bottle, they are reducing waste since they are getting multiple uses out of it. However, throwing the bottle in the garbage instead of recycling it is not ideal for conservation. Recycling the bottle would be a better choice as it allows the materials to be reused and reduces the demand for new resources.