Evaluate Expressions Practice

Complete this assessment to review what you've learned. It will not count toward your grade.
3 of 53 of 5 Items
Evaluate the expression at specific values of their variables.(1 point)
Evaluate j2 − 3k + j, when j = 6 and k = 10.
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To evaluate the expression j2 - 3k + j when j = 6 and k = 10, we substitute the values of j and k into the expression and simplify.

First, substitute j = 6 and k = 10:
6^2 - 3(10) + 6

Next, calculate the value inside the parentheses:
6^2 - 30 + 6

Then, simplify the exponent:
36 - 30 + 6

Finally, perform the addition and subtraction:
6 + 6
= 12

Therefore, when j = 6 and k = 10, the expression j2 - 3k + j evaluates to 12.