
18m 36s
Arithmetic Reasoning
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Charles works regularly 45 hours a week. Last week he worked 17 hours overtime. How many hours did he work?
It usually takes 45 minutes to get to work. This morning it took 1 hour and 5 minutes. How much longer did it take this morning?
Howi usually runs 75 miles each month. Last month he ran an extra 16 miles. How many miles did he run last month?
A hair stylist can do 16 haircuts in 1 day. How many haircuts can he do in 13 days?

1. Charles works regularly 45 hours a week. Last week he worked 17 hours overtime.

To find out how many hours Charles worked last week, we add his regular working hours and the overtime hours:
45 hours + 17 hours = 62 hours
Therefore, Charles worked 62 hours last week.

2. It usually takes 45 minutes to get to work. This morning it took 1 hour and 5 minutes.
To find out how much longer it took this morning, we subtract the usual time from the actual time:
1 hour and 5 minutes - 45 minutes = 20 minutes
Therefore, it took 20 minutes longer this morning.

3. Howi usually runs 75 miles each month. Last month he ran an extra 16 miles.
To find out how many miles Howi ran last month, we add his usual mileage and the extra miles:
75 miles + 16 miles = 91 miles
Therefore, Howi ran 91 miles last month.

4. A hair stylist can do 16 haircuts in 1 day.
To find out how many haircuts he can do in 13 days, we multiply the number of haircuts per day by the number of days:
16 haircuts/day * 13 days = 208 haircuts
Therefore, the hair stylist can do 208 haircuts in 13 days.