In Chapters 6 and 7, how does Douglass develop the central idea that an education is difficult for enslaved persons to obtain?

Select all correct answers.


He describes the various ways in which he had to secretly and stealthily educate himself.
He describes the various ways in which he had to secretly and stealthily educate himself.

He perceives that slavery was as dehumanizing to slaveholders as it was to himself.
He perceives that slavery was as dehumanizing to slaveholders as it was to himself.

He observes that enslaved people in the city are almost freemen compared to enslaved people on plantations.
He observes that enslaved people in the city are almost freemen compared to enslaved people on plantations.

He notes how his mistress was forbidden from teaching him.

- He describes the various ways in which he had to secretly and stealthily educate himself.

- He observes that enslaved people in the city are almost freemen compared to enslaved people on plantations.
- He notes how his mistress was forbidden from teaching him.