How does the central idea of a story differ from its theme?(1 point)


The central idea does not convey a universal message.
The central idea does not convey a universal message.

The central idea focuses on a message about life.
The central idea focuses on a message about life.

The central idea can apply to other stories.
The central idea can apply to other stories.

The central idea cannot be repeated across cultures.

The central idea cannot be repeated across cultures.


Which of the following is the best description of the difference between the theme and central idea of a story?(1 point)

The central idea of a story is derived from details of the story's theme.
The central idea of a story is derived from details of the story's theme.

The theme refers to story elements, while the central idea refers to a message.
The theme refers to story elements, while the central idea refers to a message.

The theme and central idea are usually expressions of the same idea.
The theme and central idea are usually expressions of the same idea.

The theme is universal, while the central idea is specific to the story.
The theme is universal, while the central idea is specific to the story.
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The theme is universal, while the central idea is specific to the story.