Which proportion could you use to convert 80 ounces to pounds?

To convert ounces to pounds, you can use the proportion 16 ounces = 1 pound.

Setting up the proportion, let x be the number of pounds:
80 ounces/x pounds = 16 ounces/1 pound

Simplifying the proportion, we have:
80/x = 16/1

To solve for x, cross-multiply:
16x = 80*1
16x = 80
x = 80/16
x = 5

Therefore, 80 ounces is equal to 5 pounds.

Which proportion is it 16 ounces/1 pound = 80/? Pounds 10 ounces/1 pound = 80 ounces/? Pound

The proportion to convert 80 ounces to pounds is:

16 ounces / 1 pound = 80 ounces / ? pounds

To find the value of "?", we can use cross-multiplication:

16 * ? pounds = 80 * 1 pound

? = 80 / 16
? = 5

Therefore, 80 ounces is equal to 5 pounds.

Um its wrong wth

I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. Thank you for pointing it out.

To convert 80 ounces to pounds, we can use the proportion:

16 ounces / 1 pound = 80 ounces / ? pounds

To find the value of "?", we can cross-multiply:

16 * ? pounds = 80 * 1 pound

This can be simplified to:

16? = 80

To solve for ?, we divide both sides by 16:

? = 80 / 16

? = 5

Therefore, the correct proportion to use is:

16 ounces / 1 pound = 80 ounces / 5 pounds

Again, I apologize for my previous mistake, and I hope this clarification helps.

Which proportion could you use to convert 5.5 yards to feet?

To convert yards to feet, you can use the proportion 1 yard = 3 feet.

Setting up the proportion, let x be the number of feet:
5.5 yards / x feet = 1 yard / 3 feet

Simplifying the proportion, we have:
5.5 / x = 1 / 3

To solve for x, cross-multiply:
1 * x = 5.5 * 3
x = 16.5

Therefore, 5.5 yards is equal to 16.5 feet.